Sunday, August 31, 2008

Stick figures on crack

I swear this will make you laugh if you are really really bored.

Post 63.

Sunday, 31st August 2008


so they have to close the roads and cause my bus to kenna jam in the middle of the road. stuck there dunno how bloody long... -.-

Anyways, PohKim @ Jurong Entertainment Centre is having their closing down sales. So for all those drama/movie addicts, you may wanna go down and take a look at the prices there.

Could Social Studies be propaganda?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Post 62

“You would think that being a submarine captain would pay well, but I hear they can't keep their heads above water.”

Teacher's day (part 2)

So here's part 2

Friday , 29th August 2008, 1145am - 9pm

Couldn't find bball boys after dismissal, went to classroom area to play gameboy. i'm still stuck with my FFTA. Damn....

ZhenYu called me down to play bball with people I wasn't familiar with. Went down anyways. Didn't play but managed to find the bball boys. Hung around and went to FairPrice for a light lunch before the bbq in school.

Came back with drinks
Set up the tentage thingy which proved to be useless after a while.
Played ball and koped food from people here and there.
Went up to the hall to sleep on mattress, and its effing hot inside.
Woke up and played a bit more ball, tried to dunk with Justin.
Koped more food.
Took GameBoy and went back to classroom blocks to play again. Missed the whole waterbomb fun. Not really keen on getting wet but....oh well.
Came back at around 7. MIA-ed for over 3 hours plus.
Koped more food, again.

Drama starts. Ms chua ask question. We reply, giving her an answer she didn't expect. She too, gave us an answer we didn't expect. Suddenly all sian diao then chiong to finish bbq the food. cook and eat and cook and eat. ugggh.

So stayed around at canteen for a while.
Kaobeh jessika.
Weijian, Teohan, Gavin challenged pumping.
Still angry, mr ser chased us out.
Left school at 9pm. -.-
Took bus home.

What if sex was a religion?...hmm...

Teacher's day

I feel weird not posting about Youth Alive '08


Friday, 29th August 2008 , 7.15am to 11.45am

Quite a blast actually. started the day off with some sports games. did the referee thingy for bball. Just go down there, zo boh count score let engleng blow foul.

On a side note, for those who felt it was sad for HIM to lose the game, why don't YOU make the decision, since you're such a good "referee". You all very well know who I'm referring to. I could go on and on and on, but I'll just stop here since you're so smart.

Edgerton has super gay height...
Mr Lau is damn style, but slow cough*fat*cough
Mr Loh is ....oh screw this....
(I'm still jealous about Nigel being able to recite the MRT thing in tamil. TAMIL!?!?!)

So anyways, we went back to class feeling a little heavy hearted because of the things that happened on court. A few tears here and there but it soon got well.

Mr Loh came in and cut cake.
Ms Teoh came in a while later.
Mr Boay came in to kope food. (okay lah he did help us take photos)

Went down to the hall for celebration. Drew the same conclusion EVERY year at teacher's day : No gigs to be held in the school hall because the whole bloody system sucks. SUCKS!!!!!!

Gave Mr Loh the present our class made for him. Its some SPA practical-based present if i'm not mistaken.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lies, Damn Lies

What would we be, he asked
without this tool of tools?
The freedom to be masked
it does extend to fools

I like your hair that way,
this soup is simply great
What do you mean, I'm gay?
I say "No Worries, Mate".

A lie is like a child,
a sheer necessity
Preposterous or mild,
I'll tell you honestly

What would we do without
the power of deceit?
It's never just about
the challenges we meet

Society would end
without those ready lies,
but, if you are my friend
a different rule applies.

Are you the one to trust,
to keep my back from harm?
I'm certain that you must
have more that just plain charm.

Herbert Nehrlich

Taken from

I hate inter-school politics. All this backstabbing freaks me out.

Friday, August 15, 2008

"Just because you don't have freedom doesn't mean hamsters deserve the same treatment"

I still think this shot is damn cool. Its like I'm helping those SPCA thingy to say "stop animal abuse" or something like that.

Emaths results are back. Got 24/25.....DAMN IT. Not that I'm a glutton for marks but given the fact that you are one mark away from a perfect score makes you really....GAH! Germaine passed, thats a good thing. Cboys won the match even though they were ALMOST late for the match.

That was yesterday.

Today is....just depressing. Never mind.

Failure is not final, Melissa

Thursday, August 14, 2008


A little something to lighten the moods of those taking the physics common test tomorrow...

The following concerns a question in a physics degree exam at the University of Copenhagen:

"Describe how to determine the height of a skyscraper with a barometer."

One student replied:

"You tie a long piece of string to the neck of the barometer, then lower the barometer from the roof of the skyscraper to the ground. The length of the string plus the length of the barometer will equal the height of the building."

This highly original answer so incensed the examiner that the student was failed immediately. He appealed on the grounds that his answer was indisputably correct, and the university appointed an independent arbiter to decide the case. The arbiter judged that the answer was indeed correct, but did not display any noticeable knowledge of physics. To resolve the problem it was decided to call the student in and allow him six minutes in which to provide a verbal answer which showed at least a minimal familiarity with the basic principles of physics. For five minutes the student sat in silence, forehead creased in thought. The arbiter reminded him that time was running out, to which the student replied that he had several extremely relevant answers, but couldn't make up his mind which to use. On being advised to hurry up the student replied as follows:

"Firstly, you could take the barometer up to the roof of the skyscraper, drop it over the edge, and measure the time it takes to reach the ground. The height of the building can then be worked out from the formula H = 0.5g x t squared. But bad luck on the barometer.

"Or if the sun is shining you could measure the height of the barometer, then set it on end and measure the length of its shadow. Then you measure the length of the skyscraper's shadow, and thereafter it is a simple matter of proportional arithmetic to work uut the height of the skyscraper.

"But if you wanted to be highly scientific about it, you could tie a short piece of string to the barometer and swing it like a pendulum, first at ground level and then on the roof of the skyscraper. The height is worked out by the difference in the gravitational restoring force T = 2 pi sqrroot (l/g).

"Or if the skyscraper has an outside emergency staircase, it would be easier to walk up it and mark off the height of the skyscraper in barometer lengths, then add them up.

"If you merely wanted to be boring and orthodox about it, of course, you could use the barometer to measure the air pressure on the roof of the skyscraper and on the ground, and convert the difference in millibars into feet to give the height of the building.

But since we are constantly being exhorted to exercise independence of mind and apply scientific methods, undoubtedly the best way would be to knock on the janitor's door and say to him 'If you would like a nice new barometer, I will give you this one if you tell me the height of this skyscraper'."

The student was Nils Bohr, the first Dane to win the Nobel prize for Physics.

Nothing much to be said today. All the best.

I can't pick up the pieces...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Common Tests....

Okay I'm just gonna take a few moments off this hectic week to exercise my typing skills again.

So the week starts off on tuesday when we had our first paper : Emaths.
Emaths is so LOOOOL. Coordinate Geometry is so freaking simple. Its so funnnn. Its so easy that I almost laughed at the standard of the paper.

Well, thats Emaths. Today (Wednesday, for those who didn't realise), we had Chemistry and Amaths. I suppose it's quite easy lah. They actually gave answers for the paper, IN the paper.

In the midst of all the confusion and stuff, ChunHong, being the usual joker wanted to write this.
Question : Name a commercial use for sulfuric acid
Answer : Drinking.

Thats Chemistry, A maths was okay okay. No full marks for this test. Damn the area of quadrilateral. 27.5 unit*squared. *insert swear words and starts kicking dustbin* But it was still relatively easy la.

Wow...Common tests aren't so hard after all.

Tomorrow we're having CombinedHumans and CoreGeography. Oh gosh, all the best for the tired hands that are gonna be writing SEQs tomorrow. Its gonna be one hell of an essay.

Damn it, enough blogging, back to work.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Coping with change

A few months back in semester one, we were given this handout thingy during some PC period. Just thought I'd type it out here to kill the time.

Coping With Change

When we are faced with change there is always an emotional struggle. We go through the following phrases :

1. Denial
2. Resistance
3. Exploration
4. Commitment

1. Denial
The first response to a significant change is often shock. This is a natural process to protect ourselves from being overwhelmed. Common responses are "This can't be true", "This is not serious", "It is only temporary", "They don't really mean it".

When it dawns on us that changes has become a reality, persornal distress occurs. Physical illness, emotional and mental symptoms may set in. We may even doubt out ability to cope. Often this leads to mourning the past and not moving on.

After a period of struggle we may shift to a more positive, hopeful and future-focused phase. At this time we may search for action that can cope with the change. We begin to explore new ways and possibilities. We look for alternatives for overcoming change.

At this phase, we are on a new course of action and commitment. When we successfully overcome the change we experience growth and adaptation.

Where We Get Stuck

We get into trouble in 2 ways:
1. We remain stuck in one phase, usually the second
2.We breeze through change without completing each phase in turn

An effective way to cope with change is to be aware of the four phases and be ready to move from one to another phase to turn it into a meaningful learning experience.

For all those who just screwed up in a relationship, hope this could help.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

National Day

Seriously, who gives a shit about National day. I think most of us take it as a holiday wtf.

Saturday , 10 August , 2008
Anyways, for those of you who intend to catch the movie The Mummy : Tomb of The Dragon Emperor, prepare to be disappointed.

Movie starts of with couple given a task to deliver the Eye of Shangri-la to Shanghai, where apparently their son is supposed to be studying. To their dismay, their son was actually NOT in school, but in his uncle's bar. Being the protective mother to a schooling boy, the pub is definitely NOT a place where their son should be...

So anyways, boy brings parents to his latest discovery in his home which happens to be the emperor's chariot. Legend has it that the emperor's trapped in stone (yes, very similar to The Forbidden Kingdom) and the only way to release him is to first open the eye and give him the water from the pool of immortality. Parents, carrying the eye, get ambushed and then like all movies, the emperor gets released.....

Okay I think I have said enough, but for those of you who really REALLY wanna die to watch this show, I can tell you that...uhh...You Don't Mess With The Zohan is better, considering the fact that I find Zohan a damn lousy movie.

Happy belated birthday to Charmaine and Mr Boay.

Here I go,
Scream my lungs out and try to get to you.
You are my only one.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Damn it, I seriously can't find anything better to do other than to study.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


After reading Nigel's blog, I honestly feel rather bad. But if there's anything I learned, its that although it seems that you'll probably have a 25% chance if you randomly picked an answer (1,2,3,or 4/ A,B,C or D.), your chances will or scoring actually increases by a LITTLE bit if you picked the middle answer, like 2 or 3, or B or C.

Check this out.

Lol...Kaylin was right. Thanks yo.

So anyways, back to what I wanted to say

Thursday, 7 August 2008 (one more day to the opening of Beijing Olympics, not that I really give a damn.)

So on Wednesday afternoon, after school, Nigel, ChunHong, Robin and I went to ShengXiong for lunch. Its been quitteee a long time since I've been there.

What the hell. Anyways, after eating, we went over to the supermarket/the OTHER-part-of-shengxiong-that-sells-almost-everything. We went looking around for snacks that we could munch during class. Couldn't find what we want.

So just before we left, we just so happened to walk past this bunch of electrical appliances. LIKE WOAH! Kettle for just $18.90! Yes, thats right kids, $18.90. Not that it stores a lot of water, but its enough to boil water for our "3-4's cup noodle recess" day. Or so they say.

So after a bit of consideration, I have came up with the top 3 things that our classroom 3-4 should have.

Top 3 things that classroom 3-4 should have.
  1. Curtains
  2. Flask / Electric Kettle
  3. Shelf
Lets start of with 1, Curtains.
Well, I don't REALLY mean curtains. I was kinda referring to something that can make our classroom darker when necessary. I dunno about those of you sitting in front, but from the back, the powerpoint slides that the teacher put are a bit...light. I don't think anyone in school would object other than Mr Ang. *OI! ARLOW*

2. Flask/Electric kettle. cup noodles la.... How to hide. No problem : Pulau Semakau!

Books at the back. Hell, even newspapers at the back. Then MsPhua can't complain about the the newspapers being thrown around. Its....nicely stacked.(:

This is just a suggestion. For those of you that really wants to discuss, please do it in class. This is really something worth considering.

I don't ask why patients lie. I just assume they all do.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


And so this exactly what I thought when I first saw Qianhui's blog.

Wednesday, 7 August, 2008
Nothing much today. Usual lessons, usually boring. [Skill used : repeat for effect. *cough*]
Suprisingly, I learned something new today at chinese class. Something like, "man gong chu xi huo". It shall be in english, for I am too lazy to find the language bar. It basically means something like...more time put in, = more effort = better results.

Linked up to Lianxin and Qianhui's blog.Decided not to do the "the *insert description* " thing already. And yes, charmaine, i'll remember.

Its easier to die, than to watch someone die in front of you, and you can't do anything to help.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I really really dislike buggers like him who make something so hard seem so easy to play. Though I gotta admit that this is still a damn cool piece.

Nothing much to blog about these days. Common tests coming up. National Day is just another break for us to study, no biggie.

Oh well, off to study now. Damned qualitative analysis

This is so colourful...I like it.

Its really damn hard for a chinese to try learning how to speak tamil.

Which one would you prefer; A doctor that holds your hand while you die, or a doctor that ignores you while you get better?

Friday, August 1, 2008


Hypocrisy. noun, simulation of virtue; inincerirty

For those of you who wanna learn some stuff, here's a bunch of shit I copied off Wikipedia

  • Bangla: চালুনি কয় সুঁইরে, "তোর পিছনে ফুঁটো" ("Mesh sieve tells the needle", "You have a hole in your back")
  • Bulgarian: Присмял се хърбел на щърбел. ("Nick laughed at dent")
  • Chinese: "五十步笑百步", "乌鸦笑猪黑" ("Soldier who fled off the battle fifty steps afar laughs at those a hundred steps afar."), ("Crow laughing at the pig for being black")
  • Croatian: Rugao se lonac loncu, a oba crna. ("Pot mocked another pot, and they were both black")
  • Dutch: De pot verwijt de ketel dat hij zwart ziet ("The pot reproaches the kettle for looking black")
  • Estonian: Pada sõimab katelt - ühed mustad mõlemad ("The pot reproaches the kettle - yet both of them are black")
  • Finnish: Pata kattilaa soimaa ("The pot reproaches the kettle")
  • French: La pelle se moque du fourgon ("The shovel mocks the poker"),[4] L'hôpital se moque de la charité ("The hospital mocks the charity")
  • German: Ein Esel schilt den andern Langohr. ("One donkey chides the other for being a long-ear")
  • Greek: Είπε ο γάιδαρος τον πετεινό κεφάλα ("The donkey called the rooster a fathead")
  • Hebrew: הפוסל במומו פוסל ("The disqualifier disqualifies based on his own fault")
  • Hungarian: Bagoly mondja verébnek, hogy nagyfejű ("The owl tells the sparrow that it has a big head")
  • Italian: Il bue che dice cornuto all'asino or Il bue che dà del cornuto all'asino ("The oxdonkey cornute") labelling the
  • Japanese: "目くそ鼻くそを笑う" ("For the sleep in one's eyes to laugh at the snot in one's nose")
  • Korean: "똥 묻은 개가 겨 묻은 개 나무란다" ("The dung-stained dog scoldes the chaff-stained dog")
  • Lithuanian: "Juokiasi puodas, kad katilas juodas" ("The pot is calling the cauldron black")
  • Persian: ديگ به ديگ ميگه روت سياه ("The pot sells the pot your face is black")
  • Polish: Przyganiał kocioł garnkowi ("The cauldron is reprimanding the pot")
  • Portuguese: O sujo falando do mal-lavado ("The dirty slandering the unclean [as being unclean]") / Diz o roto ao nu ("One with torn clothes mocks the naked" / Olha quem fala ("Look who is talking")
  • Romanian: Râde ciob de oală spartă ("The broken piece of pottery laughs at the broken pot")
  • Russian: В чужом глазу соломину видеть, в своём — бревна не замечать ("To see a little straw in other's eye, and not to notice a log in his own")
  • Spanish: Apártate que me tiznas, dijo la sartén al cazo ("Move away, you are blackening me, said the pan to the pot") El burro hablando de orejas ("The donkey talking about ears") El comal le dijo a la olla, que tiznada estas ("The grill said to the pot, look how blackened you are")
  • Venezuelan Spanish: Cachicamo diciéndole a morocoy conchuo ("An armadillo telling a turtle it is too hard shelled")
  • Thai: ว่าแต่เขา อิเหนาเป็นเอง (wâa dtàe kăo ì-năo bpen eng) ("As for Enau, he is the same")
  • Turkish: Tencere dibin kara, seninki benden kara ("Pot, your bottom's black; no, yours is blacker than mine")
  • Uzbek: Ishtoni yoʻq ishtoni yirtiqdan kulgan ekan ("A man without pants laughed at man with holey pants")
Somehow after reading the chinese one, (which surprisingly I can understand), I think we can swap the whole saying into " The ChunHong calling the LianXin white." Chunhong xiao LianXin bai...

Thats one back for you LianXin

soccer was fun though...