Saturday, August 30, 2008

Teacher's day

I feel weird not posting about Youth Alive '08


Friday, 29th August 2008 , 7.15am to 11.45am

Quite a blast actually. started the day off with some sports games. did the referee thingy for bball. Just go down there, zo boh count score let engleng blow foul.

On a side note, for those who felt it was sad for HIM to lose the game, why don't YOU make the decision, since you're such a good "referee". You all very well know who I'm referring to. I could go on and on and on, but I'll just stop here since you're so smart.

Edgerton has super gay height...
Mr Lau is damn style, but slow cough*fat*cough
Mr Loh is ....oh screw this....
(I'm still jealous about Nigel being able to recite the MRT thing in tamil. TAMIL!?!?!)

So anyways, we went back to class feeling a little heavy hearted because of the things that happened on court. A few tears here and there but it soon got well.

Mr Loh came in and cut cake.
Ms Teoh came in a while later.
Mr Boay came in to kope food. (okay lah he did help us take photos)

Went down to the hall for celebration. Drew the same conclusion EVERY year at teacher's day : No gigs to be held in the school hall because the whole bloody system sucks. SUCKS!!!!!!

Gave Mr Loh the present our class made for him. Its some SPA practical-based present if i'm not mistaken.


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