Monday, April 28, 2008

Is this a title?

Hey wassup people

"not much have changed but we live underwater"-Busted

today was...well...not too bad AGAIN. we started off with our
English Paper 1. Wrote about "Escape". Turns out that almost everybody wrote that too. All copy me sia.....

Following that we had E maths. Did a bit on what....uhh... Gradient of Curve ar. Didn't feel much la. Quite sian lor. So had recess and yeah...Geography.Did some TYS questions on rivers...and HELL, there's no coasts tested! WOOT!

So we had English where we just talk cock and watch Mr Lam show "magic trick" and tell ghost story. Pretty interesting, the way he describes his experiences, though i still don't understand why most of the girls LOL when he says those stuff...i really can't see whats so funny.

But yeah...zheng lao yao wasn't here today. most of us felt preeeeety happy for her...UNTIL she left us some stupid letter writing shit. Was damn shit man...ended up copying Germaine's paper.
(wah lao, Germaine. Your one machiam the question paper like that sia.)

Had lunch, and well..FINALLY know who Klarissa is. Went to library and had small remedial with Ms Tan and some of the others from 3/2. The class is soooooo gonna get a A for reliability test man.

so yeah...that wraps up my wanna know what happened YESTERDAY....

heck, i need to go, just refer to this post for more details. lets just say i was....violated.

chinese is on this friday. pray i pass so i can throw my paper in that old hag's face.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

No use for a title

Damn zai!

i saw this on Brian Peter's blog, thought i'd share it with you guys.

Brainiac never fails to amuse me with their misuse of equipment and abuse of science.

Well, yeah. today mr boay(pronounced as boy) gonna open his second pitstop cafe at downtown east. Wanted to go, but turned out that everyone pangseh, heck, nobody wanted to go in the first place...okay probably except Jayraj.

Speaking of Jayraj (yes i'm going to openly backstab...i mean EVALUATE his character), does anyone actually like him? I mean he's addicted to REALLY REALLY addicted to it. Then he starts playing "Cabal". Its some online game that resembles WoW a lot. Well, there's nothing wrong with playing an online game la, but i just don't like him. And he changes his WHOLE so-called character to fit what esther wants? like holy cow, you're not Jayraj anymore, you're....the new-being-that-esther-turned-you-into-which-reads-a-lot-and-likes-to

(no offence intended to you, esther)

Well, thats what i think about him. Anyways, gonna meet weijin and a few others to "study" at JE library.

Time Distortion

Screw the "dear diary" starting, i'm gonna do it like a real blogger

this video is preeety funny, try during exam, i see what mr nur do.

Well, it wasn't all too bad for this week, just seemed as if the whole of 3/4 suffered from time-distortion.

it was normal, time distortion wasn't so bad today. lessons were....okay okay la.
went home, found out the zheng lao bitch called my mum again, for not handing in my stupid compo. please la, stop using that oh-so-sweet tone to talk to parents and then come all sarcastic on us in class, old....OLD!
had english compo test, topic was "write about an occasion where you had to give up something you treasure a lot to make someone happy". sex seemed like a fun topic to write about, waiting for my results now.

B division bball national finals,jurong....i won. its kinda sad how the whole of upper sec had to be sent down to watch jurong fall. Its embarassing y'know. But it wasnt TOO bad, sec 3s get to skip float-out.

had pc period to start, found out that i'm an all-rounded learner through the V.A.R.K. thingy. quite cool actually, i'm a sponge!

came up with alternative class t-shirt design JUST before i went to sleep.made birthday card for siewhwee.Fine...birthday....graph-card.

Tried to dunk with volleyball during P.E. .Failed. Continued with more random shadings on graph paper.Had absolutely no idea whatsoever happened during joshy's lesson. slacked during history.stayed back to play a bit of bball.freaking imba team.almost got me cramp.delievered b'day graph-card

went for miss tan's remedial on history and social studies skills. nothing much i didnt know. found out that you can shut chun hong up by just shouting the name "ESTHER!!!!". And same goes to engleng by shouting "EILEEN!!!". went up for last 10 minutes of joshy's Amaths lessons with 3-2. helped michelle (: . went to church, slacked the whole day. met pengkong, joyce and nicholas for pool@JEC. left for dinner at 7. ashre, joash, elroy, and kaylin joined us from waste-of-time youth program at SDACC. went for pool@JEC AGAIN. checked IC, me and marcus dont have.went down to arcade to play "YOU LOSER!" aka Wartran Troopers. started to suan dancing losers on weird dance machine outside arcade.fully choreographed dance shall be discussed next week. took bus 11 home.

well...thats the whole week i suppose. sunday was never included, i'm still suffering from time-distortion.

cheer up pamper-buddy.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I am Still bored

Dear Diary,

Aww, are you like..crying because i said those things? well...i suppose i'm sorry la.
Well, Mid Years are round the corner, and guess what : i HAVEN'T STARTED studying.
Worse still, there's like...10plus days till my first exam? Goodness, this year is passing by so fast.

But it wasn't all too bad. We went to watch the Jurong vs ChungChengHigh(MAIN) cough*main*cough. Jurong beat CCH by 2 points at the last moment. I'm too lazy to describe what happened. Details can be found here.

Oh, Jurong is playing Catholic High in the finals this tuesday too. I sure hope they win. Even if Jurong does lose.........okay never mind, I shan't go there, because they WILL win =]

I got selected to go for the Mawaii trip in M'sia! I hope that it'll be fun, being able to learn lots of stuff. Got 7 out of 8 for level descriptor in Geog, WOOT!

Well yeah, that about it for the past few weeks that I didn't write in you. I will try to keep up as often as i can. I will TRY. *crosses finger*.

Looking forward to her reply,

ps. its fun to call jingrui ba kua =]