Monday, April 28, 2008

Is this a title?

Hey wassup people

"not much have changed but we live underwater"-Busted

today was...well...not too bad AGAIN. we started off with our
English Paper 1. Wrote about "Escape". Turns out that almost everybody wrote that too. All copy me sia.....

Following that we had E maths. Did a bit on what....uhh... Gradient of Curve ar. Didn't feel much la. Quite sian lor. So had recess and yeah...Geography.Did some TYS questions on rivers...and HELL, there's no coasts tested! WOOT!

So we had English where we just talk cock and watch Mr Lam show "magic trick" and tell ghost story. Pretty interesting, the way he describes his experiences, though i still don't understand why most of the girls LOL when he says those stuff...i really can't see whats so funny.

But yeah...zheng lao yao wasn't here today. most of us felt preeeeety happy for her...UNTIL she left us some stupid letter writing shit. Was damn shit man...ended up copying Germaine's paper.
(wah lao, Germaine. Your one machiam the question paper like that sia.)

Had lunch, and well..FINALLY know who Klarissa is. Went to library and had small remedial with Ms Tan and some of the others from 3/2. The class is soooooo gonna get a A for reliability test man.

so yeah...that wraps up my wanna know what happened YESTERDAY....

heck, i need to go, just refer to this post for more details. lets just say i was....violated.

chinese is on this friday. pray i pass so i can throw my paper in that old hag's face.

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