Wednesday, February 25, 2009


For the first time, 1 second felt so long

And BAM. my nightmare became a reality. we actually lost by 3 points.
Reality is often the opposite of dreams. For all you dreamers, this does not include nightmares.
For once in a very long long time...I seeked God for help. Nothing.
For once I played with everything i had, but it just wasn't enough.
To make matters worse, it was raining after the match. God can really make things so dramatic at times.

I guess sometimes, when one door closes, many others open up. Though it was a heavy rain, the rainbow that came after that lightened my mood, just by a lil bit. For those that saw it, I hope it lightened your day too

Well then, I guess this is it. This is the end. All the sweat, blood, time, and even jokes we had. This is it.

Thanks guys. I hope we'll get to play together again. Jurong bball 'B' div boys 2009!

We lost, face it zm. Which part of the four letters l-o-s-t do you not understand. Is it THAT hard for your brain to comprehend?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Last thursday, a group of us went over to ChengYong's house for a bit of revision and baking. I swear, never in my life has baking been this fun.

I'm really tired from the whole week, so I hope the pictures can explain that day to you.

yeah, this was how it was like before it went in the oven

This is ChengYong's niece or nephew, can't remember.

Nigel drawing his niece/nephew. Does it look alike? You decide.

I like this shot

Tah-dah. Okay,I know it looks like an earthquake.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

This one never fails to amuse me over and over again.