Saturday, November 29, 2008


Okay highlights of the trip

-Tian An Men square. gets boring after a while considering the fact we went there almost 3 times in 6 days.

-Freaking huge teams. when I say huge, they're like all taller than Justin who happens to be 1.83m.

-Food. our diet was terribly restricted due to the Muslims and Buddhists, and therefore having to eat one common thing : vegetables. Mention the term "vegetable dumpling" to ANY of the bball boys that went and there's a small chance you might get to see them vomitting on the spot.

-Hotel room is damn cool. They have a flat screen tv with a built in computer, hence being able to go online the past few days.

-Weather : not very cold, just windy.

-Language. They speak chinese like a machine gun. Their english is hilarious.

-Price. okay this one is the best. You can talk to them in english and bargain like crazy for anything.

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