Saturday, November 29, 2008


Okay highlights of the trip

-Tian An Men square. gets boring after a while considering the fact we went there almost 3 times in 6 days.

-Freaking huge teams. when I say huge, they're like all taller than Justin who happens to be 1.83m.

-Food. our diet was terribly restricted due to the Muslims and Buddhists, and therefore having to eat one common thing : vegetables. Mention the term "vegetable dumpling" to ANY of the bball boys that went and there's a small chance you might get to see them vomitting on the spot.

-Hotel room is damn cool. They have a flat screen tv with a built in computer, hence being able to go online the past few days.

-Weather : not very cold, just windy.

-Language. They speak chinese like a machine gun. Their english is hilarious.

-Price. okay this one is the best. You can talk to them in english and bargain like crazy for anything.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Oh gosh, we're leaving for Beijing in under 48 hours.
Woo Hoo!

Facebook is annoying.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Okay this is hilarious for those of you that have played this game, especially for the guys.
Back from sec 3 camp people.

Short summary on the camp for now. Proper post to be up soon.

Day 1
-Abseilling / high elements.
-Lights out

Wth. Even sleeping is like a challenge.

Day 2
-Backwoodsman cooking
-Outdoor Cooking
-Lights out

Jayraj does damn good bollywood shit.

Day 3
-Area cleaning
-Bus back to school.

And I just woke up after sleeping for over 9 hours... and i'm still feeling tired. Damn

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hotel 626

Blah, screw The Coffin.

Hotel 626 is bound to give you a thrill like no other game have. Wth, thrill is an understatement.
Play it with headphones, lights out and maxed volume for the ultimate scare experience.
Like a horror movie, this game has freaky babies, random ghost pop-ups, and eerie phone calls.
This creepy hotel is only open from 6pm-6am, hence Hotel626.
Save $8 on movie tickets, play Hotel626.

Get a room now at

[p.s. To play it in the day, simply change the time on your computer]

Monday, November 3, 2008

kapo kapo si kapo.haha

Thought of the day:
Just because one uses vulgarities doesn't mean he/she is a beng/lian. It just means that the person swearing is just very crude.