Thursday, May 15, 2008

Alone time!

"How bout we shoot him, THEN ask him questions. I still think that hamster deserves to die though."

Today, was yet another boring day. This time, woke up at 12. Never woke up this late before. Switched on my comp. Got on msn and chatted with ChunHong a bit. You have my support, tiger!

Then, it was the worst part of today happened. MY COMP CRASHED!!! like wtf? its getting old. I mean, my comp is literally old. With 40gb of memory space and only 128mb of RAM, this is literally scrap metal.

So, what can you do with a dead comp? Ignore it and continue writing that uber long, emo essay!

So I sat down at my desk, with a pen and my foolscap paper. Started on with my journey of what seemed to be a never ending story. Wrote and wrote and wrote. By the time I finished it was about...3.30pm? Typed it out on Microsoft Word for some of my closer friends to read. its 1170 words long, yo.(Part 3 to be out soon :D )

Went down for lunch, AT 4! I felt more of a tea break than lunch. But I couldn't care less. Food was food after all. Better to have it than not.I pity those people in Myanmar and China. No food, bad sanitation. They're gonna die man...I finally see the point in learning Geography.

Went to JEC arcade after that. Also concluded that everything there is condemned. There was this two ah-lian girls who kept on hitting the Tapz card scanner in the hopes of getting a free game. Its kinda funny when they do it, and then end up tapping their card and crashing in Beginner, with lap times of 20.00.

Went back home...and just SLEEP...again. This time, woke up at 8. Ate dinner...and here I am..blogging. There's seriously nothing much to do.

OH MY F! I just realised tomorrow is the release of the results... I don't think there's much I can say here...So all the best, Sec 3s!

Street Soccer at same place. Hope to play better, and NOT get cramps. =]

Okay, Melissa. I did not force this one. *gives innocent face*

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