Sunday, August 10, 2008

Coping with change

A few months back in semester one, we were given this handout thingy during some PC period. Just thought I'd type it out here to kill the time.

Coping With Change

When we are faced with change there is always an emotional struggle. We go through the following phrases :

1. Denial
2. Resistance
3. Exploration
4. Commitment

1. Denial
The first response to a significant change is often shock. This is a natural process to protect ourselves from being overwhelmed. Common responses are "This can't be true", "This is not serious", "It is only temporary", "They don't really mean it".

When it dawns on us that changes has become a reality, persornal distress occurs. Physical illness, emotional and mental symptoms may set in. We may even doubt out ability to cope. Often this leads to mourning the past and not moving on.

After a period of struggle we may shift to a more positive, hopeful and future-focused phase. At this time we may search for action that can cope with the change. We begin to explore new ways and possibilities. We look for alternatives for overcoming change.

At this phase, we are on a new course of action and commitment. When we successfully overcome the change we experience growth and adaptation.

Where We Get Stuck

We get into trouble in 2 ways:
1. We remain stuck in one phase, usually the second
2.We breeze through change without completing each phase in turn

An effective way to cope with change is to be aware of the four phases and be ready to move from one to another phase to turn it into a meaningful learning experience.

For all those who just screwed up in a relationship, hope this could help.

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