Wednesday, August 6, 2008


And so this exactly what I thought when I first saw Qianhui's blog.

Wednesday, 7 August, 2008
Nothing much today. Usual lessons, usually boring. [Skill used : repeat for effect. *cough*]
Suprisingly, I learned something new today at chinese class. Something like, "man gong chu xi huo". It shall be in english, for I am too lazy to find the language bar. It basically means something like...more time put in, = more effort = better results.

Linked up to Lianxin and Qianhui's blog.Decided not to do the "the *insert description* " thing already. And yes, charmaine, i'll remember.

Its easier to die, than to watch someone die in front of you, and you can't do anything to help.

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