Wednesday, May 21, 2008

You guys are BLESSED!

"I like hanging out. Gotta problem with that?"

Gonna summarize today's event's really quickly.

Assembly :
YOU ARE BLESSED! That was the catch phrase of the day. Apparently Mdm Rani kept talking about how blessed we are, being far from the places where we'd be hit by cyclones , earthquakes and all sorts of natural disasters. Though I still think we'd all die if we get hit by an earthquake. Then Singapore would probably be the next Atlantis!

Relief Period :
Went to library. Tried writing part 4. couldn't do much.

AMaths :
Mr Sam, oh, Mr Sam. You really gotta work on speeding up your teaching.

Recess: nothing to be said here.

English :
Oh we have holiday homework. But it got kinda better knowing that Emmeline's friend (Carina?) is also my Friend's friend! (Charmaine). How much smaller can Singapore get!

Went through last bits of MYE paper. Jayraj and Aziz got detention for playing chess at the back of the class. (orhbie-quack!)

Went to have lunch with the ex 2-3 people. Kinda fun talking to them after so long. Went up for Mawai Eco Camp briefing at 1345hrs. Started going all racist and yo-mamma on Justin.Won't say much or people might REALLY get insulted.

Then left for soccer. Got really pissed off with those malay buggers. They still seem malnutrition-ed every time i see them.

Went back to shoot basketball. Nothing much to be said. Just shoot.

Back home.Having dinner, rushing off to tuition. I'm soooooooooooo busy.

Squareroot of 20 = 4.472135955(i got bored and started memorizing this in class)

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