Saturday, July 26, 2008


For the past week, Mr Loh have been driving Newton's 3 laws of motion into our head like anything.

Newton's First Law states that a particle will stay at rest or continue at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force. In simpler terms, if it moves it moves. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Newton is such a straightforward guy, I like.

Newton's Second Law states that the net force on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration. In simpler terms, F = ma. This is easily demonstrated by the fact that I cause more damage to the wall with my bag on, than WITHOUT my bag.

Newton's Third Law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. I don't think I can simplify this for anyone here reading this.

Out of these 3 laws, the one thing that has the most impact on me is not the second law, but the third law. "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

Like Mr Loh would say, "Let's pause here for a moment and think"...doesn't this Newton's Third Law of Motion sound familiar to anyone of you.

Does "What goes around comes around" sound familiar?

Does "Do to others what you want them do to you" sound familiar?

Lets pause here for a moment and think...hnnnn

Friday, July 25, 2008

Term 3 Week 5

"Say Cheese!"

Well, this week was....rather tiring. For the very first time in my entire secondary school life in Jurong, I'm actually putting in effort to do my homework. Turns out that things get pretty tiring and I end up sleeping a whole lor later than I expected.

Monday, 21 July 2008
I can't remember what happened.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008
I can't remember what happened. Only knew that CME was cancelled.

Wednesday. 23 July 2008
Got more complains about the SLC t-shirt. Zhuang-ed qiang to cool down. I guess I could finally say I made a mark in 3-4. Mr Loh confiscated the balls in 3-4 too. "I don't wanna see any balls in my class!" *Immediately, boys all stand up and walks out of class*

Thursday, 24 July 2008
WTF. Ms Ong not here = no soccer. And whats worse is that we had english before that. For those of you who didn't know, Ms Phua is our new teacher and from what I noticed, she is seriously giving the class a hell lot of shit. It sucks, if you didn't realise. So had training then Mr Boay gave us a lift home. Rather, he dropped us at different points so it'll be easier for us to get home.

Friday, 25 July 2008
Nothing much. After school went for rehearsal thing and went back to school to play ball. Had some rather fun games.

5 Things I've learned this week
  1. F = ma, especially when you make a dent in the wall.
  2. Mao believe that sex was some form of healing.
  3. Hamsters shit, A LOT
  4. I can be really retarded by waving to random people on the street.
  5. Nigel really likes QianHui. like really. *wink*
By the way, for those of you who read this, please pass the message on to 3-4 that if they haven't handed in the money for the class photo, please do so latest by monday. I'm submitting the money on monday so if you don't pass me the money, you can't get the photos. Simply speaking, Monday no money = no class photo

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I just realized I'm changing more and more into a geek.

1) I memorize square roots when I'm bored. Not those kind like 12squared gives you 144. I'm talking about squareroot 20 = 4.472135955

2) I'm starting to read. A lot.

3) I surf Wikipedia for information when I'm bored

4) I do homework when everyone else is playing Taboo

5) I almost made myself promise me to memorize the perodic table. Hydrogen, Helium....

Okay I shan't influence you non-geek readers to become like me so I shall just end here.
Got the picture off Brian's blog.

I hope there won't be hamsters tomorrow...I HOPE

Thursday, July 17, 2008


More often than not, if you ask someone if they've heard of the term "class tee" or "class outing", they wouldn't shake their heads. But when you tell someone that the class has a "class pet", would they believe it?

Thats exactly the reaction I got when I came into class this morning and saw a hamster cage on the floor at the corner of the class room. Not that I'm entirely against the idea of having a hamster, but why the hell in class?!

Well, firstly, it distracts the teachers. Its almost the same as playing with your handphone in the middle of class. So what if its NOT a handphone. If distracts the teacher, it SHOULD be confiscated, organic or not. I mean, look at Ms Teo (our trainee chem teacher). She already said that she's scared of hamsters, and yet the girls can take out and play with it. If you were her, won't you too feel distracted?

Next, even if it doesn't distract the teacher, it definitely distracts you. Imagine this : a class with 32 girls and 3 hamsters constantly being passed around. Some of the very few words that might be said may include things like "AWWW, so cute!" or "SHHHH, he's sleeping!" So do you NOT agree that it distracts you from giving your supposedly undivided attention to the teacher?

Lastly, who the hell is gonna bring it home at the end of the day. Today after our last lesson of the day, I kinda stayed back awhile to see how would Marilyn YanBing Peilin and Qian Hui would take the hamster home. First you see them deciding if they should bring it home together with the cage. So they felt that its too bulky and decided to transfer the one that was in the cage into a box. And so they went to our Pulau Semakau to randomly take a dusty box and they put that hamster inside. If you were the hamster, won't you feel...eeyer-so-dirty meh?

I dunno about you guys, but please, i'm begging you, to think before you all actually get pets. Be it at home, or in school, these little rodents do in fact have a life. Not that I hate hamsters, but the right time and place.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

JSS 45th Anniversary Musical : YUAN

Fun : the one big word I can only think of describing the musical experience I've had for the past 3 days.

I'm missing the musical that we had, the times that were spent together(though not much), the times we got scolded(not as if i really cared), and the times that we screwed up together. Flying shoes, and falling down, I think it was rather fun for that to actually happen.

I really hope the Media Club will burn Dvds of the musical AND the practices so that we look back at the videos 10 years down the road and remember our roots.

Yes, Yuan. Meaning source, roots, origin. Its important to know where we come from.

Monday, July 14, 2008


This is a short post, don't complain, cuz Mr Sam says that life's unpredictable.
And my goodness, Windows Vista sucks like hell. I think Bill Gates probably was possessed by the devil when he created Vista. Its practically the most irritating thing. And damn, I have yet to do the stupid compo on "loss". For those of you who wants a challenge, try writing about losing your electrons

We should make jerseys, because we make a good team...
But yours would look better than mine, because you're out of my league.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

45th Anniversary Dinner @ JSS

Another speed-post. Here goes.

Friday , 4th July 2008

Had school for
half day. The lessons were...quite a waste of time. Slept through most of it.
Then we had training. Short, but
hiong one today. But it was fun, everyone encouraging each other and all that shit.
Went home to change, and take a short nap. Getting a bit sick already.
Woke up and went back to school, arrived at around 4.45pm.

Found the guys at the parade square's basketball thingy. Didn't play much. Instead, i was trying to take shots of Teohan in mid air. Its really not easy with a digital camera and when you've got shaky hands y'know.

At around 5 plus, we went to put our bags at the classroom (1B i think) cuz we heard that the VIP was coming already. Collected our food, and went up to classroom 1-1 to eat. From where we were sitting, we could hear the CO playing their pieces. It wasn't too bad I suppose(No offence, but I don't quite like that type of music). Though the fun thing about it was that Engleng and some of the other guys were shouting down from the window. If my memory serves me right, they kept calling names like,
JieWei, Shorty, and FlatTop.

Went down to outside of the general office to set up and get ready.
So we waited and waited. Took photos, and group photos.

Then Thaman came. His name is SOFA
KING long la. Anyways, YUAN(miss tham) and Thaman came in and saw our performance. It went quite smoothly. Good place to practice for our upcoming performance and Nanyang Girls High.

Then we went into the staff room to help Miss Ong to remove so heart thingy. We kept the hearts for ourselves.

Around this point, the VIPs were walking at the canteen area. Us basketballers and volleyballers stood in one row with the flashing hearts on our chests. So when he walked past us, the blinking hearts caught his eye and he came over to talk to us, asking us about what Jurong did and how our teams faired. Miss Tham was standing beside Thaman, staring at us, blankly, as if trying to say
"What the heck are you guys doing here. I didn't plan for this!"

Well, that was most of the funny parts. I'm just gonna post the
pictures here so it won't be so wordy.

First person I saw there. Cool huh.
Stop and Stare?

Dinner for the night.
Water...Its obvious
Bet you didn't see this dish that day.
Spot the missing JieWei
Fly Teohan, Fly!
I'm getting sick of these i-shoot-you-back shots
Joey Squared
Our performance
Nike Yuan, the roundest ball you'll ever get.
And Mr Lee came back too!
Our ever so patient choreographer
Thaman talking to us.
Nicholas as an usher.
Justin has to be seen SOMEHOW.
You gotta be alert, like siewhoon

Group shots